Subpixel Precision Edge Modelling Using the Generalised Energy Approach M. Kisworo, S. Venkatesh, G. West 1991 / pp. 445 - 451 / 7th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis
General Purpose Viewpoint Prediction Algorithm M. Robey, G. West, S. Venkatesh 1991 / DICTA 91: Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications
An Autonomous Agent Planning for Survival in a Complex Environment T. Travers, D. Kieronska, S. Venkatesh 1991 / Situation Awareness Workshop at International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
Landmark Based Representation of Road Maps and Navigation Plans S. Venkatesh, D. Kieronska 1991 / Fuzzy Logic in AI Workshop in International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
Local Energy and Multiresolution S. Venkatesh, J. Cooper, B. White 1991 / 1st Conference on Digital Image Computing, Techniques and Applications
A Unified Formalism for Landmark-Based Representation of Maps and Navigation Plans S. Venkatesh, D. Kieronska 1991 / pp. 123 - 132 / Proceedings of the Workshops on Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Control
On the Classification of Image Features S. Venkatesh, R. Owens 1990 / Vol. 11, pp. 339 - 349 / Pattern Recognition Letters
Texture Factorization: Variant and Invariant Description S. Venkatesh, L. Kitchen 1990 / pp. 639 - 652 / AI 1990: 4th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Edge Detection Is a Projection R. Owens, S. Venkatesh, J. Ross 1989 / Vol. 9, pp. 233 - 244 / Pattern Recognition Letters
A Robust Scheme for Isolating and Classifying Visual Features R. Owens, S. Venkatesh 1989 / pp. 664 - 679 / International Conference on ArtificiaI Intelligence in Industry and Government