Five papers for A2I2 at NeurIPS 2022!

News / Shannon Ryan / September 15, 2022

A2I2 has had an institute record five papers accepted for the 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurPIS), to be held in New Orleans this year from November 28th through December 9th.

Organized by the Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, NeurIPS is one of the world’s leading artificial intelligence conferences and one of the highest impact factor venues across all scientific disciplines. NeurIPS is an interdisciplinary conference that brings together researchers in machine learning, neuroscience, statistics, optimization, computer vision, natural language processing, life sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, and other adjacent fields.

According to the Program Co-chairs 10,411 submissions were received for NeurIPS this year, with a acceptance rate of 25.6%. The accepted publications from A2I2 are:

Expected Improvement for Contextual Bandits
by Hung Tran-The, Sunil Gupta, Santu Rana, Tuan Truong, Long Tran-Thanh, Svetha Venkatesh

Human-AI Collaborative Bayesian Optimisation
by Arun Kumar Anjanapura Venkatesh, Santu Rana, Alistair Shilton, Svetha Venkatesh

Learning to Constrain Policy Optimization with Virtual Trust Region
by Hung Le, Thommen Karimpanal George, Majid Abdolshah, Dung Nguyen, Kien Do, Sunil Gupta, Svetha Venkatesh

Momentum Adversarial Distillation: Handling Large Distribution Shifts in Data-Free Knowledge Distillation
by Kien Do, Hung Le, Dung Nguyen, Dang Nguyen, HARIPRIYA HARIKUMAR, Truyen Tran, Santu Rana, Svetha Venkatesh

Functional Indirection Neural Estimator for Better Out-of-distribution Generalization
by Kha Pham, Hung Le, Man Ngo, Truyen Tran