A2I2 participate in awards gala celebrating women in AI
From left to right: A2I2 staff members Yasmeen George, Rena Logothetis, Arezou Soltani Panah and Jessica Rivera with Jamila Gordon, winner of the 2021 AI in Manufacturing & Innovator of the Year awards
Researchers from the Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (A2I2) proudly represented Deakin University at the inaugural 2021 ‘Women in AI Awards’ ceremony. The prestigious event, organised by Women in AI (WAI), honours the contributions and achievements of women in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
WAI is a global not-for-profit initiative spanning over 100 countries. Through a variety of educational programs WAI educates young women on gender-inclusive AI and aims to increase female representation and participation in the field. A2I2 are Co-Directed by ARC Laureate Fellow Alfred Deakin Professor Svetha Venkatesh, internationally recognised as being one of the top 15 women in AI in the world.
Professor Venkatesh’s work has developed new AI technologies in pattern recognition which led to the creation of start-ups such as iCetana, which helps detect potential security threats. She expressed her enthusiasm for the WAI initiative and reaffirmed her institute’s belief in supporting women in AI.
“WAI play a crucial role in educating young women on their opportunities within the AI industry. We at A2I2 strongly believe in supporting women both in AI research and development,” said Professor Venkatesh.
Deakin University is a lead partner of the WAI Awards initiative, sponsoring the AI in Manufacturing Award. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Alfred Deakin Professor Julie Owens, a strong supporter of WAI, was unable to attend the ceremony. Professor Owens was represented by A2I2 Co-Director Professor Kon Mouzakis, who co-presented the award.
Professor Mouzakis, along with a team of A2I2 researchers, attended the event at Sydney’s Museum for Contemporary Art on Friday March 26. This marked a significant milestone for the institute in resuming interstate travel for the first time in over a year.
Congratulations to the A2I2 team who represented Deakin University at the event:
- Yasmeen George
- Roxanne Llamzon
- Rena Logothetis
- Arezou Soltani Panah
- Jessica Rivera
- Professor Kon Mouzakis