Forthcoming Conference Presentations

News / Simon Parker / February 21, 2020

Dr Alistair Shilton and Dr Hung Tran are attending the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence in New York (AAAI 2020). The conference is hosted by The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, and is held annually with the purpose of promoting innovative research in AI and the free exchange of ideas between authorities in the field.

Founded 40+ years ago, the AAAI is an international, non-profit, scientific society with over 4,000 members of the most prolific experts in AI, with several members being recipients of the coveted Turing Award which is often described as the Nobel Prize of computing.

Read their full papers at the links below:

Bayesian Optimization for Categorical and Category-Specific Continuous Inputs

Trading Convergence Rate with Computational Budget in High Dimensional Bayesian Optimization

We also had two papers accepted to the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) to be held in June 2020 in Palermo, Sicily, Italy.  Since its inception in 1985, AISTATS has been an interdisciplinary gathering of researchers at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related areas.

Read their full papers at the links below:

Distributionally Robust Bayesian Quadrature Optimization

Accelerated Bayesian Optimization through Weight-Prior Tuning